With the Peppy Phone, children can only make and receive calls using the numbers set by their parents. They do not hold the device to their ear to call, but wear it around the wrist. The device is charged by the exercise. It is completely demountable and recyclable.
The Peppy Phone has been thoughtfully designed according to the principles of ecodesign: there are no welding points and the product can be fully dismantled, there are no batteries, light recyclable materials and energy-efficient components have been used.
Thanks to its universal design, the Peppy Phone can be an environmentally friendly alternative to the mobile phone, which is currently being used en masse by a very young audience. By making hands-free calls, the Peppy Phone also avoids high radiation at the level of the brain.
Bram Roelens
Jaar 2007
Opleiding Howest Industrieel Productontwerpen
Prijs 1ste prijs JAARWERK