The Ecolizer is an ecodesign tool and caters to all designers and companies who want to know and lower the environmental impact of their products.
The purpose of design, and particularly ecodesign, is always value creation. The OVAM SIS Tookit is an instrument that provides guidance towards integrating sustainability principles in innovation and design processes, to create sustainable value. SIS stands for 'Sustainable Innovation System'.
The work package 'Ecodesign in Higher Education' or EHE kit provides concrete guidance to teachers, professors, education coordinators and training councils on integrating ecodesign into training programs of higher education.
With Close The Loop Flanders Circular and Flanders DC guide you through the principles of a circular fashion industry.
The Circular Design Guide is a guide from IDEO and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which aims to ask innovators, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs new questions about value creation and sustainable business models, and to encourage them to apply circular principles in their own work.
The Circulator helps you find your way through potential circular strategies and offers inspiration with inspiring cases.